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B. Home Office Support & Management Specialists

1 min read

Support is provided by Adrian Aybar, Vice President of Operations. He can be reached directly at 1-858-829-0113 between the hours of 7 a.m and 4 p.m. CDT. If there is an emergency, please call any of the following personnel at any time outside of Adrian’s main operating hours: Adrian Aybar (cell phone): 1-908-499-2705; Vikram 1-760-248-4007; Peter LaColla: 785-554-5324. You can also reference the team page on our website for other contacts within the organization,

1. In General. Our office support is a very powerful tool. PLEASE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ITS AVAILABILITY.  

a. Problems or concerns considered unique by an individual franchisee or employee may have been previously encountered and successfully dealt with by others in our system. A central source of support can go a long way in solving problems, or even increasing profits. Keep in touch!  

2. Management Departments. Our administrative support is organized by specified company departments that handle various segments of your business operation. McColla Enterprises, Ltd., has departmentalized the home office into braches that deal with real estate and franchise sales; store construction; franchise operations, and marketing. Individuals in our departments are available to consult with you on issues or questions arising in their area of expertise. They will also communicate with you about their general recommendations and oversight for their area of expertise as it relates to our type of retail operation. Feel free to contact the home office for names and telephone numbers for our home office support staff.  

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