Cash Handling
1. Drawer Maximum. In order to minimize the risk of loss, either by theft or mistake, money in excess of $200.00 should be regularly removed from your cash register drawer(s) and be deposited in the store safe. Having an overflow of bills in the cash register can lead to giving the wrong change, counting errors, and delays in producing change due to the clutter caused by the excess bills.
2. Verify Amounts. Money should be counted until two concurring totals are obtained.
3. Money should be neatly separated by face value. Placing money in order by facing the bills all the same way helps minimize the possibility of giving incorrect change and counting errors.
1. Deposits
a. Always count each deposit until two concurring totals are obtained.
b. Keep a written record of all deposits made, the name of the person who makes the deposit and the date and time of the deposit.
c. If your store is located in a shopping mall, and since most malls have banks as tenants, it is best to set up the store’s general account at a bank in the mall. If your store is not a mall location, try to find a nearby bank and be conscious of security concerns with employees making deposits at that bank location.
d. To insure the security of the deposit and the safety of the person making the deposit, the times that deposits are made should be varied so as to avoid establishing a discernable pattern.
e. The deposit should be made prior to the closing of the banking business day (usually 2:00 p.m. or 3:00 p.m.).
f. During holiday seasons or other busy periods, it might be a good idea to make at least two deposits per day. Money is more secure in the bank’s vault than in a store safe.
2. Change (Coin). Always make sure there is enough change on hand. Plan ahead for weekends and holidays when your bank is likely closed. We recommend keeping a separate lockbox with $400 in coins. Use the lock box as its own separate bank to make change out of bills from the register drawer. You can take the change from the lockbox and replace the amount taken in change with a bill or bills from the register needing the change. Ensuring the lockbox always remains at $400 and taking the bills from the lockbox to replenish the coin amounts as needed.
If the prices are changed on popular items, be prepared for changes in money patterns. Examples include:
a. If the price of soda is increased from $2.00 to $2.25, more quarters will be needed.
b. If promotions are run in which a cash discount is given, normal change levels may be inadequate.