Don’t Miss Out! It’s the Perfect Time to Open a Street Corner

It’s a proven fact that in today’s fluctuating economy a franchise convenience store can easily adapt to market demands. Economic stability isn’t easy to come by these days, but if you have the drive and an entrepreneurial spirit, opening Street Corner store may be just what you need to rise to the top. There are […]

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Street Corner Express unmanned

A brand new store format has been added to our franchise offering of office buildings, regional shopping centers, street-side locations, colleges and hospitals. Street Corner Express, unmanned locations!! Watch our short video then contact our sales department at (785) 272-8529 x2 for additional information. […]

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Digital Marketing: 5 Ways to Use Instagram in Your Street Corner

If you haven’t already, consider adding Instagram to your store marketing. Similar to other social media hotspots like Facebook and Twitter, Instagram is an easily downloadable app that allows users to connect via photos and short videos shared throughout the network. With over 150 million users already, this popular app could be an ace in your pocket-sized smartphone. Photos and […]

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Protecting Your Lifeline: Employing Good Practices with POS

In your Street Corner store, your POS system is your lifeline. If your POS system is not protected, your store is open to data theft, data loss, inability to track sales, etc. Keeping your POS system working properly is essential to a healthy profit margin for your business. Here are some tips to ensuring your POS system […]

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STORES Magazine Article

We recently had an opportunity to be interviewed by STORES Magazine.  We feel that we are newsworthy at times and are glad others think so too!  Check out the article featured in the March issue.  […]

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How to Approach an Unhappy Customer

Equipping you and your employees with the proper skills to manage retail customer service can help your store stay ahead of the game. Handling an unhappy customer is one of the most challenging aspects of retail, but also one of the most important learning experiences. Your reaction to a customer’s concern can leave a lasting impression […]

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2014 Food Trends

As foodservice plays an increasingly large role in the retail convenience store market, it pays for you to keep up with the 2014 food trends. Technomic, a leading consulting and research firm serving the food industry, recently released its top 10 list. These are 8 highlights especially relevant to the convenience retail setting. Real Ingredients: More and […]

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Get mall walkers into your store

Your store experiences a high level of potential customers walking by throughout the day.   This traffic does not always result in a high customer visit rate as many shoppers are there for other goods such as clothing or electronics.  With the correct marketing, you can gain the attention of passerby’s and pull more customers into […]

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